Hobart Update

Hobart Reservoir - Washoe County, NV (Washoe County)

by East Bay Regional Park District

OPEN. It should be a great season up there, like it was last year. The southern entrance had a snow drift across it a few weeks ago, and the rains melted it away. Damsels, PT's zebra midges, red or black, mosquito's, black ants

More Reports

East Bay Regional Park District Reports
for Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
East Carson River (CA): East Carson Update
East Carson River (NV): East Carson River (NV) Update
West Carson River (CA): West Carson River Update
East Walker River (NV): East Walker River (NV) Update
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River (CA) Update
West Walker River (CA): West Walker River (CA) Update
West Walker River (NV): West Walker RIver (NV) Update