Fish Report for 11-1-2019
Fly Fishing Report | Truckee River and Pyramid Lake | early November 2019

by Reno Fly Shop
Truckee River
Cold weather settled into the Truckee River watershed rather quickly the last week. Single digit overnight lows in Truckee has cooled the water off significantly. As a result the Truckee is fishing in winterlike condition. We are finding midge in the morning with BWO as the day warms up. Clients are finding a fair number of fish on their trips with our guides. Predominantly nymphing medium fast water in medium to shallow depths.
We anticipate our current water levels to hold through the beginning of winter storms so fishing should get better as temps stabilize. Watch for cloudy days to start producing heavy BWO hatches. The fish will be on them and your chances to catch trout on a dry fly might improve dramatically.
We have been focusing on smaller baetis patterns and attractor flies in an #14-18. Medium/small thin bodied dark nymphs seem to be the ticket with an ESN setup. Brown trout are spawning, please stay away from redds and areas that are prone for spawning fish.
Flies we suggest: Spanish Bullet, Frenchie, black Copper John, Quill Jig, Hot Spot, CDC Red Tag, Hot Cheek, Mylar Prince, The One, Para Adams, The Ticket, Psycho May BWO
Pyramid Lake
The lake has completed it’s “turning over” and the LCT have responded accordingly. We are seeing trout feed in shallower water. Hope you had the chance to read our article on what happens when the lake turns over. If not, here is a link.
Stripping boobies and beetles has been the most productive with the Deadpool variant a true standout. We have had some reports of success on fishing balanced leeches under and indicator with our Canadian Olive getting the most attention
Still focusing on the deeper beaches and drop offs has been your best bet. Schools are coming by sporadically throughout the day.
Flies We Suggest: Boobies (Martini Olive, Cat Whisker, Diablo), Pyramid Lake Beetle, Bellyache Minnow, Jans Tui-Chub, Balanced Leech, Holographic Midge
Have you ever been out at the lake and needed some more leader or the hot fly that is working for others? We have, far too often, and wanted to fixed the problem for everyone. We are now operating a mobile fly shop at Pyramid Lake on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It is mobile so the schedule changes but we post the night before on social media and will keep updating throughout day tons of up-to-date info. If you follow us on Instagram at the account @renoflyshopmobile you will find our location, weather reports and the freshest On-the-Water Reports on Instagram from @adenbreckner
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