Spring Fishing Already in Full Swing

Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters

by Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters

Late February at the lake and so far, so good. The spring fishing seems to be in full swing already with little or no cold weather and or precipitation soon. The water temperature is already 47 degrees which is probably a couple of weeks ahead of schedule. We could still have a cold snap and slow things down also. Tons of big fish have been caught in February which is normal over the past few years. With more Pilot Peak Strain fish in the lake than ever before the average size of the fish just keeps growing. (No pun intended). The downside of that is there are way less fish in the lake and way way less Summit Lake Strain Cutty’s so numbers of fish being caught is down again and could get worse with only one hatchery raising Summits. Pyramid is turning into a less fish per day trophy fishery. Fish are being caught all over the lake which is one of the benefits of the Pilot Peak Strain Fish. They seem to not congregate lake the Summits. They are all over. It is a matter of putting in your time and being ready when you get the opportunity. For Shooting heads – The old standards are still hard to beat like the Midnight Cowboy, Martini Olive wooly worms and Loco Tadpoles in all white or Chartreuse and white. For Indicator rigs Maholo Nymphs and Midges are working well. Try Albino Wino’s, and UPS’s. Also try Red Wine Banded Midges and GT’s. All of these flies are in size 10-12 and can be found on our online store www.pyramidlakeflyfishing.com

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Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters Reports
for Tuesday, February 18th, 2020
Truckee River: The Truckee is Fishing Great
Little Truckee River: Flows Are Around 41 CFS
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