Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 2-17-2020
Fish Are on The Chew
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)
by Pyramid Fly Co.
You know the old adage, “ You should have been here last week”? Well that’s not the case. With the full moon past us the fish are on the chew once again.
The change in weather patterns is also proving to be a nice change this morning. The low cloud cover and chop has got the trout feeling comfortable and crushing the shallows feeding more frequently.
As we are sliding closer to spring we are seeing the summits push in a bit more frequently. The high sun and warm weather the past few weeks has the fish a few weeks ahead of schedule.
With such a thriving and healthy fishery we are seeing fish everywhere! From the far north end all the way down to the southern end of the lake.
As the fish are staging for spawn the are frequenting the shallows more often. The large cutthroat don’t stay fat not eating. If it’s in their lane and looks presentable more often than not these monster cutthroat will suck those bugs up like no other.
But don’t hesitate or expect every grab to completely suck that bobber under. Set on everything fishy! In the low light hours we are starting to pick up a few fish retrieving traditional stripping rigs. Ie: buggers and beetles etc. But this time of year midges under the bobber still remain king.
Season is upon us, time to make your plans and get to the lake. See you there.
Morgan Kane PFC
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