Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 4-16-2020
Striped Bass Bite is Hot
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
The striper bite here along the Colorado River below the Davis Dam is dong very well. Our local and visiting anglers are having some mixed stories of their success. I am not sure if its our water release from the Davis Dam or our mixed weather. The striper bite is hit or miss. when its on you have a great chance as the stripers are hungry and they have been going after both anchovies and various lures.Tthe rainbow trout bite has slowed since the stocking has ended. Its not that the trout are gone but its getting them to bite. The trout are feeding at various time and that is the challenge to get the trout at the feeding time.
Our local angler Andres Vallejos from the Fort Mohave area was fishing from shore at our Community Park Area. This are has such a great shore line and plenty of space and access to some of our best fishing spots. Andres was fishing for our trout using a storm soft bait and he had 6 pound test line. Well he hooked into a 10.96 pound striper at 31 and 7/8 inches. This fish took a bit to get in and when he got it to shore yep his line broke he was using hands and feet to keep it on shore. Thanks Andres for sharing this great story lighter line can produce some nice catches.
Our local angler also fishing from shore or his dock along the Colorado river across from the big bend state park. Patrick Paoli was using anchovies and landed these two stripers the smaller one at 4.58 pounds and 23 and 7/8 inches and the larger on was 7.38 pounds and 30 inches.
We are having some great fishing and of course now its one of our few activities allowed. This is a perfect time to get outdoors and a great time to do some fishing our weather and our river are waiting for you. Fishing along the Colorado river can be most rewarding but our current can be frustrating at first once you get the hang of using the current and catch that first fish your are golden.
Up on Lake Mohave no word on stripers as of yet a few small mouth bass are along the shelves and plastics are working well the ned rig in the tubzs and the pb&j (peanut butter and jelly) color have been producing well.
I have not heard mush from the Topock marsh as of yet . We will get through this issue soon so if you are sick stay home what ever you are sick from stay home protect others and thank you for doing so I know a lot of folks are doing just that.
Thanks for all of your support we hope to see you in soon to share that story and your catch.
Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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