Fish Report for 10-31-2024
Fall Fishing in Eastern Sierra

by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers. We have some good news, and maybe some sad news. Unfortunately, it is that time of year when we turn our clocks back this weekend. On another note, this is the first time in my adult life I have not fished in 30 days. As you may have read in my last report, I had some personal family things to take care of. Well, the family member was myself. I inherited a heart murmur from my parents. Which has never bothered me in the least. But when my cousin in Oregon passed away 2 years ago suddenly. I talked about it with my doctor a lot more in depth. I was told I had a heart valve defect, and that I can take care of it now. Or maybe in a few years it may be too late. So I decided to have the heart surgery now, so I can be around for another 20 years to fish. I am recovering quickly according to my doctors, but it is so hard not to be able to cast a line for another 4 weeks. But in the meanwhile, I can still share fishing news and reports with you.
On the good news end of all of this. I want all young anglers and artists to pay attention here. The Douglas County Kis's Fishing Derby wants "YOU" to help design the 2025 Kids Fishing Day event T-Shirt. The contest is open to all kids ages 3-12 years old. It starts on November 1st and will run until January 1st. All submissions must be an original piece of the child's artwork on a 8 1/2 x 11 white printer paper and using no more than 3 colors. The design must include a fish as well as the words "Kids Fishing Derby". On the back of your paper include the artist's full name, age and a parent or guardian's contact information. Submit your drawings at the KFD t Shirt contest drop box at Raleys in Gardnerville NV. The winner will receive 1 free custom printed T Shirt of their submitted design, 1 Golden KFD meal ticket and a feature of their art work on the KFD website. Plus a lot of bragging rights for the artist and the proud parents.
Now on another note. As of the 16th of November many of our California lakes and rivers will be changing regulations. In each report below, I will include these changes. But by all means, that is no excuse for putting away the fishing gear. We have plenty of places to get out and cast a line. Especially this time of year when the water temps cool down and the fish start feeding a little more. And by the time the new year is here, I should be ready to do some ice fishing.
CAPLES LAKE: The EID boat ramp and day use area is scheduled to close this week for the season. The Caples Lake Resort is closed for a brief time and is scheduled to open on December 12th for the winter season. This time of year is good for big browns feeding along the shoreline. I would use an inflated nightcrawler or cast an F5 floater or sinking Rapala. Perch or blk/Gld are my most productive colors.
WOODS LAKE: The road is scheduled to be closed this week for the season
WOODS CREEK: The parking area will remain open for the season. But may close occasionally for snow removal.
RED LAKE: A couple anglers were throwing small kastmasters off the dam and catching some average rainbows. I myself will be waiting for some ice fishing.
BLUE LAKES: As of this week, the roads were still open. But with the weather we have coming this weekend. They can close at any time. Use caution and common sense when traveling in the backcountry.
WEST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY: The water level is very low. It was running at 24 CFM this week. The woodfords canyon area still holds some nice flows and deeper waters. You just need to get out and hike a little. The river will convert to catch and release with artificial lures and flies with barbless hooks only on November 16th.
EAST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY: The river is running clear and very fishable. It was running at 77 CFm's this week. Have had many reports of good rainbows being caught on powerbait or power eggs. The Alpine County F&G planted the river a couple weeks ago with nice sized rainbows. On November 16th, the river will convert to catch and release with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. The Carson River Resort is open for camping and cabin rentals all year.
EAST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY-HANGMANS BRIDGE: Located from Hangman's bridge, south of Markleeville to the Nevada stateline. The river is open all year to fish with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. Limit is two fish 14" or larger.
HEENAN RESERVOIR: Located on top of Monitor pass. Is open until November 30th, per the CDFG website. It is open from sunrise up to sunset to catch and release with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. Canoes-kayaks-float tubes or small carry down boats with electric motors only. No gas motors allowed.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level has been going down about a foot a week, it is down 8 feet from this time last year. NDOW has recently planted the lake with 6400 lbs of trout. I would recommend trolling small flashers with a half a night crawler 12 inches behind the blades. Raplas have been very productive on the west and north end of the lake. Special note: do not tie your Rapala directly on your line, use a small stainless snap swivel to give it more action as well as not twisting up your line. It also gives you more freedom to change patterns. I prefer the gld/blk, perch or hot steel patterns. The Douglas County ramp and day use area is open all year. Use caution on the ramp this time of year. The ramp is ribbed, but still holds a little ice.
The NDOW has been planting the local rivers and urban ponds over the last couple weeks.Recently planted areas: Bailey Pond, Wilson Common Pond, East Carson river Douglas County, Virginia Lake, Paradise Pond, Marilyn's Pond, Desert Creek, Battleborn Pond, Seeman Pond, Mitch Pond and Mtn View Pond #2
FISHING REGULATION NOTE: On November 16th most all California river and stream will convert to catch and release with artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks.And many lakes will close for the season. Please read your regulation book before you venture out to any body of water to fish.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. I will be getting out as soon as I am able to cast a line. But I was warned by Dr Chapman, that I cannot catch any big fish for a couple more months. That is the hardest doctor's order I hope I will ever have to follow. If you get a picture of your catch. Send it to [email protected]. I hope to see you on the waters soon. Good Fishin' and tight lines
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to [email protected]. Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
More Reports
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, October 3rd, 2024Caples Lake: The lake level has dropped about 5 feet
Red Lake: Red Lake Report
Blue Lake Lower: The lake level is low and the fishing has been fair
Indian Creek Reservoir: The lake is starting to turn over and be semi weed free
West Carson River (CA): The river is running very low
East Carson River (CA): The river is flowing a little low in places, but very fishable
East Carson River (NV): The river was planted by NDOW recently
Topaz Lake: The lake level has been going down about 8 inches a week
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, September 12th, 2024Caples Lake: The fishing has picked up a little with the cooler weather
Blue Lake Lower: The lake has started to get a little low
Burnside Lake: The lake level is still up and the fishing has been fair to slow
West Carson River (CA): The river is running low
East Carson River (CA): The river is running low at 53 CFS
Heenan Lake : The first week was very good fishing
Topaz Lake: The lake level has been going down about a foot or so each week
West Walker River (CA): The river is running low at 35 CFS, but very fishable
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level has gone down quickly
June Lake Loop: June Lake Loop Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Report

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