Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 1-24-2025
The Big Fish Bite Continues
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

by Pyramid Fly Co.
Sunny days are here and then sunny days are gone. If anyone has followed or researched fishing Pyramid Lake they knows that this time of year that wind + clouds at Pyramid Lake can make the fish party like it’s 1999. Butttt…….. Just like the conditions we had this week, with the days of bright skies, the fish still made indicators drop and abrupt stops if you’re stripping.
How do you think the fish get so big ? well, they need to eat. How do small fish become big fish ? they need to eat. Just like anywhere you fish, take your time and don’t be in a hurry to move if your not bit in the first 20 minutes when you get to a likely spot. Deep beaches, shallow beaches, deep drop ledges are all holding fish.
When you face calm conditions you need to think of making your offering act like it’s alive. Twitch that indicator, move the midge or balanced leach. Make them look lively. For us old timers, think of it like when we crappie fished with a crappie jig under a bobber, twitch, pause, twitch pause, oh. bobber moved, set the hook.
Some fish are caught further out that require longer casts then some people are used to with single hand rods. We use a lot of switch rods for indicator fishing paired up with our RIO Ambassador series “Lake Chucker” line that has an integrated floating MOW tip. We didn’t do R&D with just experienced casters, we designed this line with our guides and clients using various versions until we found the right parameters for grain weights throughout the line for top performance. If you are proficient with a switch rod, the ease of casting and increased distance will be noticed. It’s funny to watch the expression of our clients when their cast just launches out there with little to no effort. You can see the wheels turning in their head of how they can use what we teach them with switch rods at their home waters.
Shall we talk about bugs to use ? not yet, first of all remember this, adjust your depths and retrieves before changing your bugs. Ok, now onto the fun stuff. Multiple variations of zebra midges, tiger midges, winos with different color bead heads as well as wire wraps can catch the fishes attention. I know this sounds broad but there just isn’t one fly or style of fly that is catching them. We’ve seen the standard zebra midge get bit when a fancy zebra midge wasn’t touched and the anglers are fishing side by side at the same depth using the same size leader. Everyday or every hour can be different. Feel like pulling your hair out yet ? That’s why our PFC guides have boxes full of flies in various patterns and when at PFC HQ in the evenings keep playing around with different materials, number of wraps of wire etc. It’s what we do.
“If the boys at Pyramid Fly Co are not on the water guiding, they are fishing, if they are not fishing, they are tying flies planning their next day.”
-John Geirach, The Original Trout Bum
It’s getting to be that time of year where the fish are preparing for their annual “You know” (thing), which means more and more fish are preparing to rush the shorelines as their biological clocks moves. Speaking of clocks, each day we are gaining more sunlight which means the water temps will start warming up more and more in weeks to come. Surface water temps are hovering around 43-45 ish.
Reports of a 27 lbr. and 29 lbr. caught this week in the bluebird skies proves that you don’t need bad weather for the fish to eat. The fish don’t grow this big and this fast by not eating right ?
Give us a call and lets get your trip set up. “You can’t catch em from the couch”
Capt Rob 1-877-PFC-FLYS
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