Upper Owens River Update

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by Walker River Outfitters
(760) 927-7933

The upper river is fishing OK. We're not seeing a ton of fish in the river right now so be sure cover lots of water to show your flies to as many trout as possible. Fishing dries will get you tight to some of the smaller browns and rainbows. If you're looking for the better fish in the system try either nymphing with egg patterns or stripping streamers. We should start to see some lake fish moving into the river as we get closer to November. RECOMMENDED FLIES: Pettis' Unreal Egg 14-16, Beads 6-8mm, Juju Midge 18-20, Zebra Midge 18-22, W.D.'s 18-20, Brassie 18-20, Micro Mayfly 18-20, JuJu Baetis 18-20, Deep Sparkle Pupa 16-18, Fox's Poopah 16-20, Graphic Caddis 18-20, Organza Trico Spinner 20-22, Para Trico 20-22, E/C Caddis 16-20, X2 Caddis 16-20, Elk Hair Caddis 16-20, BWO Sparkle Dun 16-20, Para Adams 16-22, Foam Beetle 14-18, Sculpzilla 6-10, Zuddler 6-10, Home Invader 6-10.

More Reports

Walker River Outfitters Reports
for Thursday, October 15th, 2015

East Walker River (CA): East Walker Fall Update
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Sceirine Ranch Update
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Update
San Joaquin River: Middle Fork San Joaquin River Update