Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 3-5-2020
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
Some great news we are getting some of the smaller stripers in our area here along the Colorado River below the Davis Dam. Better yet anchovies are producing some nice catches here along the river and I am hearing that up on Lake Mohave that the striper bite is starting to pick up. Now the feeding time for these fish is important. I have been getting reports that the evening has been doing well.
Our visiting angler from orange county was taken out on his uncles boat and while using anchovies in the late morning Todd Johnson was able to bring to the boat 3 stripers using anchovies. They were fishing in the lower big bend area. The largest was 6.8 pounds and 27 inches the middle weight at 5.68 pounds and 27 and 1/2 inches yep a bit longer the smaller one at 3.20 pounds and 21 and 3/8 inches. This is a nice catch as these make for a great fish fry. They are easy to prepare and your favorite recipe is bound to dazzle all that are in attendance. I have gotten some word that a few channel cats have been landed from shore near the dam on the Arizona side. With our weather warming up some the days are getting longer our large mouth bass are in spawning mode. this is a time when it’s a great idea to practice catch and release as these fish are guarding the nest of eggs. If they are taken away from their nest more than likely the carp will have a feast on the eggs. the large mouth bass will try and protect their nest and the fry and won’t feed until the fry (baby fish) are able to fend on their own. They will protect and guard against other fish from getting to these little critters. this is a good time to target another species of fish. On that subject we are still getting trout plants so I hope to see you in soon to share that story and your catch of a limit of 5 rainbow trout. these are brought to us from the Willow beach hatchery raised in our cold clear Colorado river water. I know that night crawlers and power bait are winners for our bait anglers. While spinners work well along the river and the community park area has some great shoreline to provide you the best fishing in our area. Hope this helps for now and we will see you in soon to share that catch and story thanks for all of your support.
Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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