Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 6-24-2020
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
Yahoo our Striper bite is holding and doing well. This week its mostly from the river with Lake Mohave producing a few stripers near the dam and the coves around the power lines. I have been getting reports that the Smallmouth Bass are attacking various artificial and plastics with the ned rigs leading the way.
Below the Davis Dam here along the shores of the Colorado River we have some great spots for fishing. Near the Dam on both sides have been doing well with anglers having success going after the stripped bass using anchovies and glide baits.
Our Community Park area has such a great shore line that our city has opened up for all to enjoy. This area just so happens to have some of our best fishing spots. I had one of our anglers report he was fishing for stripers using anchovies and landed a nice rainbow trout. Yep anchovies even catch trout in our area.
A bit further down river in the Big Bend park area our local angler Mike Merrett brought in a stringer of stripers he landed while fishing off his jet skii. This was mid day so he only could stay out for so long before the water craft traffic drove him away. Most anglers like the morning or evening when its nice and a little calmer on the water. Another group of our anglers were on Gary Regan's boat when they landed a very nice stringer of stripers. Our anglers that were fishing with Gary are Jonah Link Jonah Jr. and Titus. the link family and Gary had one of the stripers at 5.08 pounds and 25 and 5/8 inches a nice 7.56 pound striper at 30 and 1/4 inches the 11 pound striper an nice surprise was 33 and 1/2 inches.
These fish seem a bit under weight but nice size all and all. They were fishing just above the nature center area. In the same general area and in a nice pink with her first striper ever is Kandace and mom Rebecca Miller. Kandace striper weighed in at 3.16 pounds and was 21 and 1/2 inches. they were fishing on Gary Regan's boat using anchovies.
We have been having a great run on this size of stripers lately. So far, not much word from the Marsh area but I know it has to be taking off soon that area gets some great Largemouth action along with the Channel Cats that are prowling the area and even the striper are in the marsh. Hope this helps for now and we will see you in soon thanks so much for all of your support remember if you don't feel well stay home take care be safe
Now Go Catch a Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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