Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 9-9-2020
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
We have 9 year old Landen Vasquez with a nice 2.52 pound striper at 19 and 1/2 inches. He was out with dad Chris on Ben Aleman's boat. They were fishing in the lower big bend area on this recent outing. Yes its anchovies that was the bait of choice. For the stripped bass in our area anchovies seems to work real well. I am not saying that other baits aren't going to work such as mackerel, squid shrimp and sardines as well. its just that anchovies have caught a lot of fish. I have been hearing that near the dam along the shores have been doing ok but mostly in evening. Seems to be a bit easier on our anglers and the water craft traffic is a lot slower. the mornings are also a good time except the water levels make the evening a bit more productive.
Up on Lake Mohave the points near the dam and some of the coves above the power lines are producing a few stripers while the shelves and the shallows are giving up some large mouth bass and the smallies are running in the 3 to 5 pound range. I heard that trolling across the telephone cove opening was producing a few stripers with anglers using an umbrella rig.
I have gotten some word from the Topock marsh area. Anglers are having some striper action near the opening of the marsh near the overpass. while others have been landing a few large mouth bass using spinner baits in a white or green. I did get word that the Willow beach hatchery is gearing up for our trout plant. I will try and keep you all updated but so far its should be around the first Tuesday in October. there is plenty of time to get your trout rods in order. Anglers should check your line go through your tackle box so you are ready for that special spinner and you bait anglers check your jar baits.
Hope this helps for now and we look forward to seeing you in soon. We want to share that catch and story mostly thanks for all of your support Now Go Catch A fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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