Truckee Has Great Winter Flows Going On

Truckee River

Photo Credit: Reno Fly Shop

by Reno Fly Shop

The Truckee River is flowing 255-260 cfs through the downtown gauge. This is a great flow for winter. Fishing has been an effort of searching for one or two quality fish per day. Pretty typical for this time of the year with the cooler water smaller fish do not eat daily and we are left searching for the big friends out on the hunt. Sometimes foregoing food for days at a time. Larger fish need to eat almost daily to maintain their size and thus make themselves more available. 

Nymphing deeper slower water has worked well, but it can be quite common for actively feeding fish to move into shallow slower water to feed as they can warm up from a sunny day. 

Streamers can be effective this time of year too as the larger fish will stack up along the banks in the shallower water. They will have a deep drop close by in order to hide if needed. Finally, with your streamer swing the tailors of pools before moving down river. It is possible you will find fish looking for baitfish and insect downstream movement in these areas.

Still waiting on the BWO hatches and Skwala hatches. They’re not too far away. 

Flies: BH Zebra Midge #18-#20 red and black, Ready Baetis, Micro May, Hot Butt, Parachute Adams, Griffiths Gnat, Pull Over BWO, Baetis Cripple, Mini Leech Olive and Black, December Truckee River Dozen

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