Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 6-22-2022
Pyramid Lake Final Final Report June 2022
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)
by Bearfish Alliance Staff
Well, here we are at the end of a long and hard fought season at Pyramid Lake. As of this wrting you have about 8 days left in the season, so if you want to try your hand at some late season fishing, well, now is the time. Jigging is the name of the game, and if you can get your rigs in that 25-40 foot zone you might be able to sniff out some fish. Pilots are chasing bait, so look for signs of bait balls or skirmishes on the surface, that can help you find fish....or if you have a fish finder rigged to your tube or pontoon that is one of the best ways to paint fish.Jig patterns that look like Tuis will do the trick, just get them to the bottom and jig away! Been a great season, and we are looking forward to 22/23 starting Oct 1st, 2022. If you are looking for guided trips next season we can help book you, just reach out to Nico at 775.622.2970 or [email protected] and we will get you set up. We will also be holding the 2nd annual "Gear up for the 'Mid event" in Late September at Battle Born Brewery, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
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