Little Truckee River Fish Report for 4-30-2023
Little Truckee River Report
Little Truckee River - CA (Sierra County)

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119
Yes, it’s true the Little Truckee is now mostly accessible by car, however there is still a bit of snow and a few rocks across the road, so continue to be cautious when driving back here. The word has certainly gotten out about the access here, so in typical Little Truckee River fashion, expect to fish around others to a degree. With the lack of fishing pressure this area received this winter, the fish are definitely happy and on the chew, but it is still the Little Truckee and they are going to be a bit picky when it comes to fly selection and presentation.
The main bugs right now will be midges and baetis in sizes 18-20, but there are also some green sedge caddis around, as well as some Skwalas so if your presentation is on point you can definitely get fish on larger offerings during this time. We have yet to see much surface activity and the bite has mostly been a subsurface one, so Euro Nymphing, indicator fishing or dry dropper fishing with a Skwala adult will be great way to present your bugs at this time.
Please be aware that we are still in the spawning window for the rainbows out here, and while it appears that they have mostly finished up the deed, there may still be a few mingling around as well as their redds present, so please avoid wading over shallow riffles or tailouts with medium to fine sized gravel and be aware of stepping anywhere around their oval shaped clearings, to assure that the eggs remain viable. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reach out.
If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek or call (530) 563-5119.
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