The East Walker goes from 800 cfs to 909 cfs making fishing difficult

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by Jim Reid

The East was at 800cfs for most of the week and yesterday was bumped up to 909cfs. It fished ok most of the week with streamers and nymphs and we actually had a few anglers comment that they had some marginal success fishing dry caddis late in the evenings. The river is very difficult to fish at these higher flows, but not impossible. Some keys to fishing at these flows are to be sure to add enough weight to get your nymphs or streamers down towards the bottom where the fish are hanging out most of the time, if using an indicator be sure it's large enough to carry the extra weight you'll need to get down and try to fish water that is moving at a slower rate than the rest of the river like seams, back eddy's and slack water.

Some patterns that have been working lately include hornbergs, zuddlers, double bunnies, buckskin caddis, flashback emergers, fox's poopah, zebra midges.

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, July 10th, 2011
Bridgeport Reservoir: Typical fishing at Bridgeport one day one thing works,the next day it is something else
East Walker River (CA): West Walker is running high, muddy and difficult fishing right now

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, July 10th, 2011
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: No Anglers at Sceirine Ranch this week
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Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Fishing has been good this week at Twin Lakes
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